Bruno Canino and Ksenia Dubrovskaya with the complete sonatas for violin and piano by Johannes Brahms. This is the concert that will take place on Friday 1 February (9.00 pm), at the Cassero Theatre in Castel San Pietro Terme and which will see a very expert pianist, Bruno Canino, and the young but already famous Russian violinist Ksenia Dubrovskaya.
Johannes Brahms lived in the same age as Wagner but did not share the explosive titanism as him. Brahms was rather the “champion” of a different vision of music, more intimate, more subtly symphonic, marked by a more thoughtful, suffered composition. Bruno Canino at the piano and Ksenia Dubrovskaya at the violin will play all three Sonatas for violin and piano. For “piano and violin”, as Brahms himself defined the Sonata n. 2, to emphasize the equal importance of the two instruments that cross each other and exchange melodies without the one supporting the other as a simple accompaniment.