On 23rd February 2016 an important agreement has been signed between Italy and the Countries joining the Türksoy in order to build a cultural link.

The Türksoy – Joint Administration of Turkic Culture and Art is an international cultural organization of countries with Turkic populations, speaking languages belonging to the Turkic language family, and is also known as the UNESCO of the Turkic World. Established in 1993 at the behest of the Ministers for Culture of Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kirgizstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Turkey, nowadays it includes 14 Countries, both sovereign nations and federate subjects or autonomous regions.

From now on they trust the Emilia Romagna Festival artistic director Massimo Mercelli to promote their music in Italy and they have proposed him as UNESCO ambassador to encourage -through music- cultural relationships between East and West.

The Maestro Mercelli says to be “proud of the estimation we receive from the 14 Türksoy Countries and satisfied with this cultural link, a collaboration which will bring benefits to our territory at national and international level”.

Emilia Romagna Festival is a member of the EFA – European Festivals Association and, with the great event involving more than twenty cities of Emilia-Romagna region staging about forty shows, has always developed relations with internationally renowned artists and opera institution and orchestras from all over the world.