On 23 February (9 pm) the stage of the Ridotto of the Masini Theatre in Faenza hosts Il Duo Alterno with Tiziana Scandaletti soprano and Riccardo Piacentini piano.

The title of the concert “High Theatrics Duo” derives from a review that the Los Angeles Times has dedicated to the Duo calling it “the high theatrics Duo with a strong personality“. The program begins with a piece dedicated to the Duo Alterno by Ennio Morricone, a tango taken from the famous film Indagine su un cittadino al disopra di ogni sospetto whose vocal part is completely new and adapted to the voice of the soprano Tiziana Scandaletti. Then Piccolo tango by Giacomo Puccini followed by Melodramma in due parti by the Roman Marcello Panni, one of the most important exponents of the Nuova Consonanza group and a prominent conductor as well as composer.

Riccardo Piacentini’s Foto-songs evoke twice, through recorded sounds and photographic images, some unforgettable experiences collected by the Duo Alterno during his tours around the world. The program is completed by two funny pieces inspired by cats, respectively by the composer Roberta Vacca (Coplas de gatos dedicated to the Duo Alterno) and by Gioachino Rossini (Duetto buffo di due gatti). Finally two pieces by Cathy Berberian (Stripsody and Morsicathy) and another one by Ennio Morricone (Epitaffi sparsi).

Considerato uno dei punti di riferimento nel repertorio vocale-pianistico del Novecento e contemporaneo, con le sue esecuzioni di oltre 70 compositori italiani viventi, Il Duo Alterno, dal suo debutto a Vancouver nel 1997 a oggi, ha portato la musica contemporanea italiana in 50 Paesi di 5 continenti. Tiziana Scandaletti e Riccardo Piacentini sono entrambi docenti al Conservatorio Verdi di Milano, titolare di Musica vocale da camera la prima e di Composizione il secondo.

Considered one of the reference points of the vocal-piano repertoire of the twentieth century and contemporary music, the Duo Alterno, from its debut in Vancouver in 1997 to today, has performed Italian contemporary music in 50 countries and 5 continents.