Saturday 22 August (9.30 pm), Ivo Pogorelich will be at the Arena San Domenico in Forlì with a concert focused on the peculiarities of the piano: a journey that will cross space, time and styles, with pieces by Bach, Chopin and Ravel.
“Il Pianoforte, viaggi, miti e leggende” is the title of the concert dedicated to the infinite history of this eternal instrument and which will be all acoustic, because as Pogorelich explains: “I work a lot on the color of the sound and therefore I will play acoustic. I establish a relationship with the public thanks to my sound – continues the Croatian Serbian pianist – and I wish there were no veils, no mediation, pure sound. A loudspeaker amplifies the sound, it does not make it more authentic. I believe that the high walls of the Arena San Domenico will help me have better acoustics.”
Among the pieces of the concert there will be the English Suite n. 3 in G minor by Bach, in which, based on the Suite, Bach introduces a large number of minor dances, such as the Allemanda, the Sarabanda, the Gavotta and the Giga. Chopin, on the other hand, will be present with the Barcarola in F sharp, a form normally used for vocal arias, which retains all the sweetness and tone of the voice, and with one of his famous Preludes, the Prelude in C sharp minor, a real milestone of classical music and one of the most successful results of Chopin’s work. Ravel will close the programme with Gaspard de la nuit, a three-part poem for solo piano, inspired by three poems by Aloysius Bertrand. The latter is remembered as one of Pogorelich’s best interpretations.