To celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Arena delle Balle di paglia on July 22nd (9:30 pm), the Martux_m electronics master will perform a review of Symponie n. 2 by Gustav Mahler, known as “Resurrection”.

The Symphony no. 2 by Mahler obtained an extraordinary success with the public and critics since its first performance. Written for soloists, chorus and orchestra, it became known as the “Resurrection”, because it represented musically the path of a medieval hero from death to rebirth. The Symphony is based on a very marked stylistic difference, in fact Mahler recommended to perform it with a five minute break between first and second movement. A rift that evokes two worlds and two triumphs: that of death and that of life.

From this Martux_m started to make the classical opera “resurrect”. An enveloping experimentation that links seemingly distant worlds, the symphonic and the electronic.

A rampant, vertiginous project that unites the beginning to the end, with a journey from the resurrection to the death to the resurrection, through the union of the musical performance with video, with sounds and light storms.

Programme and info tickets HERE