On Sunday, July 14th (9.30 pm) at the Arena delle balle di paglia of Cotignola, the Extraliscio, the musical project realized by Mirco Mariani together with Moreno il Biondo and Mauro Ferrara, meet Ermanno Cavazzoni’s pen, for a show of thoughts and musical contaminations titled “Discorsi di Filosofia Extra e non”.

After discovering Mirco Mariani’s work with Extraliscio, Ermanno Cavazzoni came up with the idea of creating a reading (with texts by Ermanno Cavazzoni and some scenic elements) and then a live concert-reading.

Ermanno Cavazzoni teaches poetry and rhetoric at the University of Bologna, and is the author of books such as Gli scrittori inutili, Guida agli animali fantastici and Il limbo delle fantasticazioni. Cavazzoni also collaborated with Federico Fellini on the subject and script of his latest film La voce della luna, inspired by the novel Il poema dei lunatici.

The Extraliscio band was born from the encounter between the multi-instrumentalist, author and composer from Romagna Mirco Mariani, the musician Moreno il Biondo and Mauro Ferrara. The band takes songs from the tradition of Romagna dance music and transforms them into original compositions through new sounds and new arrangements.