Saturday, July 17, at the Rocca Sforzesca in Imola (9.30), will be staged La Toscanini Next, directed by Roger Catino, along with singer Mascia Foschi and soloist Massimo Ferraguti clarinet and sax, with a concert dedicated to the 100 years since the birth of the great Astor Piazzolla.

Throughout his life Piazzolla shows that the tango music is just this way, pure, as it needs neither the voice and nor the dance; the essential is to rely on other classical and jazz musical styles. The show, dedicated to the hundred years of the great musician, reflects on the artistic path related to the early stage of his career when Piazzolla, at the time living in New York, meets the music of Gershwin, Ellington, Bernstein, Weill.

The Toscanini NEXT is an innovative orchestral project formed by musicians under 35, realized in collaboration and with the support of the cultural network of the Emilia-Romagna Region. The interaction and blending of genres and styles are the characteristics of his activity: symphonic-operatic revisited in a pop/rock key; incidental music (adaptation of music for dance and prose, musical, cabaret); global music, soundtrack. Among its aims, that of bringing music in the squares, theaters, places of culture and memory to enter the connective tissue of the territory and get closer to the public.