Saturday 10 August (9.15 pm) in the Coutyard of the Pomposa Abbey, Peppe Servillo will perform together with the Solis String Quartet with “Presentimento”, a show that deals with the masterpieces of Neapolitan song.
Three years after the release of Spassiunatamente, Presentimento – the album released in 2016 for the iCompany – can be considered the natural continuation of a project that includes an immense musical panorama without trying to limit it to a period or to an author.
Il canzoniere è pregiato, si va dalla “Palomma” di Armando Gill alla “Tarantella segreta” di Raffaele Viviani, dal capolavoro di E.A. Mario che presta il titolo al disco all’ironia di “M’aggia cura’” e l’onomatopeico richiamo di “Scalinatella”: uno spettacolo a 360° che tocca musica, teatro e … cuore!
The program ranges from the “Palomma” by Armando Gill to the “Tarantella Segreta” by Raffaele Viviani, from the masterpiece of E. A. Mario “M’aggia cura” and the onomatopoeic call of “Scalinatella”: a 360° show that touches music, theatre and…heart!